Seagulls are a disturbance at any place of business. They muck up the works, causing chaos in unimaginable ways. Some of these methods are pooping on peoples’ heads, swooping in to steal food, and building nests behind the garbage compactors.
So then. What can we do about seagull control methods for businesses?
The first step to prevent or reduce a seagull infestation is to remove sources of seagull food and nesting grounds. The seagull food sources that pose a problem to businesses are food strewn on the ground by customers or inside open trash containers.
To stop seagulls from eating from these food sources, provide covered trash cans for customers to dispose of their food in. If you have janitorial staff, send them outside every so often to dispose of food left on the ground. Take all uncovered trash cans and replace them with covered ones.
Your trash area and dumpsters are another possible source of food for nearby seagulls. Ensure dumpsters are kept covered and all trash is kept inside the dumpster. If birds are still getting at trash, you could install bird netting over the dumpster area to block them out.
The next step in preventing seagull infestations is to block off bird nesting grounds. Seagull nesting areas include in chimneys, behind trash areas, on rooftops, and anywhere else there is a closed area to protect their nest from predators and the weather.
The best way to block off seagull nesting areas is with bird netting. Bird netting is applied to the enclosed, covered places that seagulls like to make nests in and blocks the birds off from making their nest.
Bird netting is our top option for seagull control. It will last 20+ years, endure all weather situations, and excludes birds with 100% efficiency if installed correctly.
Removing seagull food sources and blocking off seagull nesting grounds will reduce the seagull problem at your place of business. There are a few further steps you can take, and these involve installing bird exclusion products.
The first option is seagull grid deterrence wire. Seagull grid deterrence wire works best if seagulls are nesting or landing on a rooftop or another large, open area. Grid deterrence wire spreads out across the area of open surface in a grid, preventing gulls from landing. The gulls see the wire spread across the surface and will not land because they know their wings will get tangled in the wire if they do.
You can read more about seagull grid deterrence wire here.
If seagulls are landing on ledges or perching on the side of your buildings, ledge modification devices are also an option. These sort of devices include bird spikes, bird wire, and electric shock tracks.
Bird spikes are common implements for pest control. They are plastic or stainless steel rods that stick out and prevent birds from landing on a surface like a building ledge or a rooftop. Spikes block the area that birds would land on. They don’t hurt the birds, but force them to find somewhere else to perch.
Bird spikes work best for medium-sized birds like pigeons, seagulls, or starlings. Smaller sized birds like sparrows can still perch between the rods, and larger birds like turkey vultures can land on top of them.
Bird wire is another option for ledge control for pest birds like seagulls. Bird wire is strung over a ledge or place you want to prevent birds from landing. It is a springy wire that bounces when birds land on it, scaring them off from landing on that surface.
Bird wire is sometimes considered more aesthetic than bird spikes and is usually cheaper to install.
Electric shock tracks are a third ledge modification option for bird control. Electric shock tracks give off a small jolt if birds try to land on the surface. They do not hurt birds, but give them the impetus to fly away.
Summary: To keep seagulls away from your business, first remove their sources of food and nesting grounds. This means covering trash, removing food strewn on the ground, and blocking off nesting grounds with bird netting.
For further seagull protection, you can install seagull grid deterrence wire or ledge modification devices like bird spikes.
If you’ve been having a bird problem of a bigger magnitude or for longer than six months, it might be time to call in the experts. AviAway is a bird control company that offers free bird control consultations. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to set up a free consultation and to get step-by-step advice on solving your bird problem.