If you have noticed dirt, rodent droppings, or water in your garage, there is definitely a good chance the issue could be traced back to the door of your garage. Garage doors are too huge, and most come with a proper bottom seal to keep out unwanted intruders, wind, water, and dirt, but these seals can break down or damage over time. In extreme cases, the driveway apron or concrete floor under the door could crack, settle or shift, thus creating large gaps under the garage doors which standard seals are unable to cover.
But now the question arises – how to seal gap under garage door, for this you need to consider a few effective options according to your unique need. Weather-sealing the garage door often involves a simpler process of replacing or adding the bottom door seal as well as the weather-stripping on stop molding, along the door top and sides. It might even include adding thin weather-stripping between door panels if you wish to make the door completely airtight.
Here are some great options for sealing the gap under your garage door:
- Brush seal kits
These are one of the best options available today in Australia by one of the most reputable companies SYG – Seal Your Garage. Brush garage door seal kits for roller and sectional doors come for either single or double garage doors. They offer Lintel only kits, which are just for sealing the top gap of a garage door, on the other hand, the full seal kit seals the top and the sides of a garage door as well.
These kits are specially designed for complementing your existing intact garage door’s bottom seal. The brush seal kits create a tight, heavy-duty seal for the residential garage. The brush strips are available in bristles of length from 25mm to even 50mm, all depending on the size of the gap around your garage door. Brush seals outlast and perform better in comparison to rubber weather seals, since the bristles do not perish, crack, warp, or wear, but conform amazingly to the door’s shape.
- Door threshold seal
The threshold seal also functions as a bottom seal on a garage door, but this seal is attached to the garage floor instead of the door. Thresholds could also be used in conjunction or alone with a door seal. They are mostly used for keeping out surface water if a driveway slopes the garage. Thresholds can be used to fill bigger gaps under garage doors. They are installed using an adhesive which is often included with a threshold.
Remember, that the thresholds block water going out of a garage, the same as they keep it from flowing inside. A threshold even makes it hard for sweeping debris and dirt out of a garage.
If you are interested in knowing more about Brush seals, one of the perfect solutions on how to seal gap under garage door in Australia, contact SYG – Seal Your Garage. The brush seals can also be customized; you just need to send an email to them regarding the gap under your garage door.