What is Shoring Engineering: 5 Major Types of Engineering Services

Shoring engineering involves the design and implementation of temporary support systems to protect excavations, trenches, and existing structures. 

Here, let us get an overview of shoring engineering and highlight five major types of engineering services associated with it.

What is Shoring Engineering?

Shoring engineering refers to the specialized field that focuses on the design, installation, and maintenance of temporary structures used to provide support and prevent the collapse of soil or existing structures during construction or renovation projects. The primary purpose of shoring systems is to ensure the safety of workers and adjacent properties, while also facilitating construction activities.

In this regard, NadeauSDM Ingénieur étaiement are adept at ensuring safety and efficacy. 

Major Types of Engineering Services in Shoring

  • Soldier Pile and Lagging Shoring Systems:

Soldier pile and lagging shoring systems are commonly used in urban areas where space is limited. This method involves installing vertical steel beams (soldier piles) into the ground at regular intervals, which are then laterally supported by horizontal lagging members. This combination provides the necessary support to prevent soil movement and maintain the stability of excavations.

  • Sheet Pile Shoring Systems

Sheet pile shoring systems are designed to support and retain soil in areas with soft or loose ground conditions. This method involves driving interlocking steel or vinyl sheet piles into the ground to create a continuous barrier. The sheet piles act as retaining walls, providing lateral support to prevent soil movement and protect adjacent structures.

  • Secant Pile Walls

Secant pile walls are commonly used in situations where groundwater needs to be controlled during excavation. This method involves constructing a series of interlocking reinforced concrete piles. The primary piles are first installed, followed by secondary piles that are constructed in the gaps between the primary piles. This creates a watertight wall, preventing groundwater from infiltrating the excavation area.

  • Braced Excavation Systems

Braced excavation systems are widely used in deep excavations where the soil conditions are favorable for shoring. This method involves installing vertical soldier piles or hydraulic braces at regular intervals along with horizontal walers to provide lateral support. The bracing system counteracts the forces exerted by the soil, preventing collapse and maintaining the stability of the excavation.

  • Cofferdams

Cofferdams are temporary structures used to create a dry working area in water-logged or partially submerged construction sites. This shoring method involves creating a watertight enclosure using sheet piles, concrete walls, or a combination of both. By dewatering the area within the cofferdam, construction activities can be carried out in a controlled and safe environment.

All this makes shoring engineering an essential aspect of construction and civil engineering.