Let’s get to know more about alternative investments. 

Breaking Alternative Investments Down

First and foremost, investing in alternative assets require you to pay high minimum investment. Aside from that, you will have shoulder some fee structures, which are more costly when compared with mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. 

 Investing in alternative assets also entail fewer opportunities to obtain verifiable performance data, as well as to advertise over potential investors.

Transactions are also not the same as those with other assets. As a result, you may find it quite difficult to valuate alternative investments.

Lastly, alternative assets are scarcely regulated, if at all. You might have to worry about fraud or scams, so be sure to do your homework and conduct due diligence. 

Hedging and Diversification 

Alternative investments often have very low, if at all, correlation with standard asset classes. This makes alternative assets very much suitable for diversification. 

In addition, several huge institutional funds such as pensions and private endowments have begun allocating a part of their portfolio to alternative investments and hedge funds. They normally invest as much as 10 percent of their portfolio in such investments. 

Fees and Taxes

While alternative investments have higher initial upfront fees for investment, the transaction costs that you will have to shoulder will be much, much cheaper in the longer run when compared with conventional assets. This is all due to the lower levels of turnover. 

If you try to hold alternative investments for a long time, you can get lucky and acquire some tax cuts and benefits. For instance, if you hold alternative investment for longer than one year, you may be picked for lower taxes for capital gains, comparing them against shorter-term investments. 

ETF Access

While there are many alternative assets that are difficult to lay hands on, you may find commodities and real estate assets much easier to access via ETFs. 

Exchange-traded funds are now offering a lot of opportunities for you to invest in alternative funds, which have been previously elusive to retail investors. 


Previously, alternative investments had no solid legal structure that could regulate it. Nowadays, they are increasingly becoming more regulated. One of the legal structures that to an extent oversees them is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Protection Act. 

Meanwhile, alternative investment are still not as regulated at mutual funds and ETFs, which are overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Those who labelled as “accredited investors” are the only ones that are allowed to access alternative investments. Usually, these investors have a net worth more than $1 million or a personal income of $200,000 or more annually. 

Alternative investments are as lucrative as other conventional assets. But through good and proper use, they can be more rewarding and thus can give you more profit than you could otherwise get from other investments. 

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