Six Rules to help you make a success with your Packaging Design

When the consumer enters a supermarket or store, he or she is faced with an endless option. But when smart packaging is used by brands in their design, they can increase the chances of their products standing out, capturing the attention of the consumer. 

In several ways, packaging design can be used as a marketing tool, and brands can continue to play with the tastes of consumers. However, the focus should be on long-term ease of use. What is fashionable nowadays may not be popular tomorrow. Also, constant changes in the design of the packaging could have negative effects. 

So, how can brands stay and maximize the attractiveness of product packaging? Back to basics, six packing design rules to follow:

#1: Clear and simple

Minimalism can be the new fashion in websites and interior design, now it is also a change that is applied in the packaging of products. It is necessary to transmit two basic things: the brand and its use. Complex designs can confuse people, especially now that the attention span of buyers is lower than ever. 

#2: Give the human touch

Nothing sells like honesty and authenticity. The packaging design that is original and attractive draws more attention. The work on the unique hand-made or hand-written designs, show the character and show the “feel” of the company, which gives a greater impact on the modern buyer. 

#3: Design to extend its use

The concept of packaging design must be easily extendable. If you can adjust the same design for every new release, automating the packaging process will become easier. Also, the connection of the brand with existing consumers is strengthened. This allows you to create a brand of products with a visual appeal and easily recognizable.  

#4: Practical and useful

Does the packaging of the product fulfill the function for which it was designed? Great. If packaging offers more than one practical function, consumers will connect with the product (and buy it again). For example, bags with sealant and refillable jars have a higher chance of ending up on the shelf of the kitchen than disposable ones. And also printed folding carton boxes like the ones from Netpak are also likely to have more than one use.

#5: Do not beautify too much

Making a product look like a work of art is a common trap you need to watch out for because even though that can be tempting, consumers tend to be happier when packaging exactly represents the product. Photography or photo editing software can make the product appear larger or more loaded (images of foods with a lot of chocolate, fruits, etc.). However, this also increases the disappointment when the reality does not match what is offered in the packaging photograph.  

#6: Green packaging

With a greater awareness of consumers about sustainable operations in the food industry, ecological packaging has become crucial. Reduce the carbon footprint and create a positive image of the brand with packaging designs and manufacturing processes with recyclable materials which allows energy savings and waste production is minimal, helps to generate a positive image of the brand before the client. 

Packaging Design as An Investment

When a brand puts time and effort into package design, the results will be brilliant. The right packaging can easily become the backbone of marketing efforts. 

Along with a great design concept, it is also crucial to maintain high-quality packaging and related processes. Investing in the right equipment can easily incorporate a large packaging design into your manufacturing process.